Monday, September 21, 2009

A walk home

I had planned all week what I was going to write today... I had even sketched a little outline. So focused, then on my way home it all changed.

I was walking home from the train station after a long days work. Ever the busy proffesional I was sending an email while talking on the phone and reading texts. I'm a New Yorker so multi- tasking is nothing new to me. I'm able to take care of business and still be aware of my surroundings. As I was nearing my home I saw a known drug addict going up to my house and ringing my bell. I knew my mother was home so I wasn't worried but from a block away when I saw the door actually opened ( My mother would neeeeeevvvver open the door to this lady, Window conversation only) I knew something was seriously wrong.

My baby sister had opened the door and I sprinted all the way to the house. I didn't know what the drug addict wanted but I knew she was not going to get it from my baby. I hurried and told Bre to close the door and I would handle it. The drug addict... let's call her Sue... Sue told me she needed pampers. Does she have a baby? No. You see Sue has abused her body so long that she can no longer control her bowel movements and has to depend on depends. She told me the pampers that Medicaid offers are "cheap" and give her a diaper rash and she wanted to know if I would loan her some money to get the better quality ones....

2 minutes later I'm at the store and a known drug dealer enters the store behind me. Let's call him... Judas. Well Judas has been trying to get with me since I was about 15 years old and today was no different.

"Ms. Stocks, when you gonna stop playing and give me that number"

"When you get a real job" was my reply.

Here comes Sue into the store seeing if she could get some credit from Judas. You could not believe the change in this brothers countenance and attitude. He went from the sweet mack to a pimp that hadn't got paid.

How do we let this happen? How do we let our sons and daughter out into a world like this. Where someone's son can be so disrespectful to someone elses daughter? Where someone's daughter will sell their body for a short high? When did we start doping up our own? Haven't we as a people gone through enough? We blame "the man" for sooooo much but "the man" could have never infiltrated our camp if he didn't have some help from an inside source.

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