Tuesday, September 15, 2009

27 Part 1.

September 15th, 2009...
105th anniversay of Wilbur Wright making his first Airplane flight.
46th anniversary of the sensless death of 4 little girls in a Birmingham, Baptist Church.
Ms. Stocks turns 27... Part 1.

Birthdays tend to be a time of reflection for most and I'm no different. I'm looking back on my life and laughing at alot of mistakes, crying at opportunities missed and excited about lessons learned.
It's scary this whole aging thing. You grow up with this plan in your head about what you're going to be and when... and who is going to be there for the ride.

Life doesn't always end up that way. It's not just a straight shot. There are alot of curves and rest stops on the way. Definitely no set destination.

I aim to start this year with one of my favorite scriptures...
Phillippians 3:13... Bretheren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before.

I can't worry about what I did, could've been, or would've done. I'm forgetting all of that now.. Now I have to start reaching (Reaching takes effort, can't stand around and wait for things to come to me) for what's in my future!

1 comment:

  1. "I'm looking back on my life and laughing at alot of mistakes, crying at opportunities missed and excited about lessons learned."

    I am with you there...especially about the lessons learned!
