First of all let me say this is not a bad review of "For Colored Girls" the movie. I actually can appreciate it as a movie... and nothing more. The same way I appreciate Mulan or Dreamgirls or Takers ... Movies that may be real life for some people but for me, entertainment.
It took me a while to actually see the movie, I saw too many reviews ahead of time (which I don't recommend, I always think its best to see a movie or read a book on your own with no previous information) and it filled me with too many conflicting ideas. I had half of the world saying "this is the best movie ever", "Best depiction of Black Women in all different levels of Society" and then the other half of the world saying "This is the worst movie ever", "Makes you think all black men are dogs".I thought neither. I definitely don't think its the best movie I've ever seen but its not the worst...What it did make me realize is that I appreciate the Black women I know.

Women , not girls.
My mother and my aunts in particular remind me that we are not as a whole a group of victims that things just happen to.
One situation from the movie in particular just blew my mind!I won't tell the story but Kimberly Elise's character obviously was not raised by a woman like my aunts and momma. I guarantee you that her man would've either gotten right or died if he ever met Esther Louise, Oretha Lee, Patricia Lee, Bertha May, Tanny or Fletta Marie. Trust.
I have experienced bad relationships, jobs, friendships but I'm still not a victim. I work hard to make a change when some things not right for me, my blackness is not a hindrance or an excuse that I fall back on. It is a part of me but not my everything, it is beautiful but not the only thing beautiful about me.
I ask one thing for those who want to see me no matter what race, nationality or sex ... Remember that movie is about colored girls, not Black Women. In my humble opinion