Monday, October 19, 2009

whew, long week

Ok, Ok,

I missed a week of blogging but OH what a long week it was. Very sorry guys!

My brain is a bit scrambled, frazzled and any other word that would describe overworked but I dare not miss another blog date! I love this stuff!

This week I'll write about something that doesn't require me to think at all....


The smartest, most beautiful, fantastic 4 year old you could ever imagine. Why is she noteworthy? If you met her you wouldn't have to ask me that question. She is truly an amazing child that I am blessed to be caregiver to.

I want to write about her because our situation is a little sad. She is the daughter of my late sister, Tamecha Lyvette Morgan. My sister, mother and I have taken over the care of Miyah since my sister died in March of 07. I heard someone speak a few weeks ago saying there is no way someone who didn't actually birth a child could actually love a child the way it's mother does.

I have my own feelings on this but would love to hear yours and then do a follow up.

email me:

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