Monday, December 21, 2009

6 months

First off, sorry for being so lax in updating this blog but I'm a student and have a full time job and raising a 4 year old. Bear with me...

It's so sad but I have to make this post about the "Tiger Woods Scandal". I had no intentions of ever blogging about this. I think it's unimportant and should be dealt with in the woods family. But no, the media and some audience feel that this is still front page news. It blows my mind that we still have troops in Iraq, Brittney Murphy just died @ the age of 32 from a heart attack. We are in one of the worst recessions that we have ever been in. They are trying to charge students transportation fees to get to school. A pregnant woman died at her job with no help from 2 fdny EMT's who were present. A six year old shot and killed a 5 year old in NJ. Banita Jacks got 120 years in jail for killing her 4 children and hiding the bodies within her home.

.. But Tiger Woods losing a gillette endorsement is important?

Don't get me wrong. I am not saying infidelity is by any means ok... but why must we as a society make an already horrible situation that much worse. This indiscretion (or these depending on the reports you read) don't just affect Tiger but they are affecting all those close to him. Including his children.

You should hear the things people are saying... I was in the hair salon the other day and this woman says.
"Hmph that's what he gets for not wanting to be black, If he was some of the brothers could have given him some tips"

I could not believe it. This woman isn't evil or stupid (although I could see how one would think that way after such a statement). She is actually very sweet and I like her... But what does him not professing black power have to do with his life falling apart. (I won't even address the second part of the statement )

I'm going to end the blog with this. Let's try that 6 months rule.
Take 6 months to mind your business and 6 months to leave other folks business alone

*Ms. Stocks*